Home Address validation using 3rd party integartions before submiting the request eg it's should be valid address 1, address 2, city, state, zip code etc.
Home addess validations fron 3rd party free tool
Working Code Answered question June 29, 2023
If you are using rest API or transform map , please use below regex before insert data in table
if (!/^\d{5}(?:-\d{4})?$/.test(source.zip_code))
ignore =true
Please provide your query in details, so that we can provide you exact solution.
Home addess validations fron 3rd party free tool
kishore kumar Edited comment June 29, 2023
Hi team,
Happy to see your response, but need one pop-up box.
Current Address and Validated Address
Current address means which end user had given
Validated Address means from 3rd party tool we need to give based on end users input.
Ex :
Current Address | Validated Address
Address 1: abcd | Address1: Abcd
Address 2: adh | Address 2: Adh
City: califona | City: California
State: uni kingdom | State: United Kingdom
Zip:937488 | Zip: 936478