You need to update the incident table to set the state to "Closed" for all incidents that have been resolved for over 30 days. How would you script this?

var gr = new GlideRecord('incident');
gr.addQuery('state', 'Resolved');  // Query all incidents in the "Resolved" state
gr.addQuery('resolved_at', '<=', gs.daysAgo(30));  // Resolved more than 30 days ago
 while (gr.next()) {
  gr.state = 7;  // Setting state to "Closed"
  gr.update();  // Update each record
 gs.info('Successfully closed incidents resolved more than 30 days ago.');

2. The company policy is that incidents marked as "Critical" should not be deleted. How would you prevent the deletion of such incidents using a Business Rule?


You can create a Before Delete Business Rule to prevent deletion of "Critical" incidents. Here is the script:

if (current.urgency == 1) {  // Check if the urgency is "Critical"
  gs.addErrorMessage('Critical incidents cannot be deleted.');
  current.setAbortAction(true);  // Abort the deletion process

  • Trigger: Before Delete
  • Table: Incident
  • Condition: current.urgency == 1

This will stop any user from deleting an incident marked as "Critical."

3. You need to write a Script Include that calculates the number of business days (Monday through Friday) between two given dates. How would you implement this?

var BusinessDaysCalculator = Class.create();
BusinessDaysCalculator.prototype = {
    initialize: function() {},
     getBusinessDays: function(startDate, endDate) {
        var businessDays = 0;
        var currentDate = new GlideDateTime(startDate);
        var endDateTime = new GlideDateTime(endDate);
                 while (currentDate.getDate() <= endDateTime.getDate()) {
            var dayOfWeek = currentDate.getDayOfWeekLocalTime();
            if (dayOfWeek != 6 && dayOfWeek != 7) {  // Exclude Saturday (6) and Sunday (7)
            currentDate.addDaysLocalTime(1);  // Move to the next day
        return businessDays;
     type: 'BusinessDaysCalculator'

To call this Script Include from other scripts:

var calc = new BusinessDaysCalculator();
var businessDays = calc.getBusinessDays('2024-09-01', '2024-09-10');
gs.info('Business days: ' + businessDays);

5. You want to prevent users from submitting an incident form if a specific field (e.g., category) is not filled in. How would you write a Client Script for this?


You can use an OnSubmit Client Script to enforce this:

function onSubmit() {
    var category = g_form.getValue('category');  // Get the value of the 'category' field
         if (!category) {  // If the field is empty
        alert('Please fill out the Category field before submitting.');
        return false;  // Prevent form submission
         return true;  // Allow form submission if category is filled

  • Trigger: OnSubmit
  • Table: Incident

This ensures that the form will not be submitted unless the category field is filled.

6. You have a catalog item where you want to auto-populate the location field based on the user's department. How would you achieve this?


You can use an OnChange Catalog Client Script for this:

function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading) {
    if (isLoading || newValue == '') {
         var userSysId = g_form.getValue('requested_for');  // Get the 'Requested For' field value
    var ga = new GlideAjax('UserDetails');  // Call the Script Include
    ga.addParam('sysparm_name', 'getLocationByDepartment');
    ga.addParam('sysparm_userSysId', userSysId);
         ga.getXMLAnswer(function(response) {
        var location = response;
        g_form.setValue('location', location);  // Set the 'location' field with the returned value

Script Include to fetch the user's location based on their department:

var UserDetails = Class.create();
UserDetails.prototype = {
    initialize: function() {},
     getLocationByDepartment: function(userSysId) {
        var userGR = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
        if (userGR.get(userSysId)) {
            var department = userGR.department;
            var locationGR = new GlideRecord('cmn_location');
            locationGR.addQuery('department', department);  // Get the location based on department
            if (locationGR.next()) {
                return locationGR.name;  // Return the location name
        return '';
     type: 'UserDetails'

This setup auto-populates the location field based on the user's department when the "Requested For" field changes.

ServiceNow Interview scenario-based questions along with their answers
Working Code Edited question September 16, 2024