Fetching Contents from CSV File Attached to your record:
- getBytes() : This returns the raw bytes of the file — that means binary data.
- java.lang.String() : we convert that data into a string using.
var attac= new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
attac.addQuery('sys_id', 'record_sys_id'); // sys_id of attachment record
var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
var bytesFile = gsa.getBytes('incident', 'incident_sys_id');
var originalContentsInFile = Packages.java.lang.String(bytesFile);
originalContentsInFile = String(originalContentsInFile);
gs.print("Contents of Attached CSV File: "+originalContentsInFile);
Fetching Contents from CSV File using getBytes() Function ServiceNow
Working Code Asked question July 4, 2023