Title: Certificate Request Workflow for Engineering College

Description: This workflow is designed to handle certificate requests from students in an Engineering college. The workflow will route the request to the appropriate parties for verification, processing, and delivery of the requested certificates.


Requested By – Reference to User table – Autopopulate current logged-in user

Student Name – Single line text

Student ID – Single line text

Certificate Type – Drop-down (with options such as Degree Certificate, Transcript, Bonafide Certificate, etc.)

Reason for Request – Multi-line text

Department – Single line text

Email – Single line text Phone – Single line text

Request Date – Date Approval Hierarchy:

  • Approval 1 – Department Head
  • Approval 2 – Registrar


Create Request – This task will be created automatically when a new certificate request is submitted by a student.

The task will contain all the information provided in the form and will be assigned to the Department Head for approval.

Assign Group – Department Head

Priority – 2

Approval 1 – Department Head – This task will be created automatically when the request is submitted, and will be assigned to the Department Head.

The Department Head will review the request and approve or reject it.

Assign Group – Department Head

Priority – 1

Approval 2 – Registrar – This task will be created automatically when the Department Head approves the request.

The task will be assigned to the Registrar for final approval and processing of the certificate.

Assign Group – Registrar

Priority – 1 Process

Certificate – This task will be created automatically when the Registrar approves the request.

The task will be assigned to the designated staff responsible for processing the requested certificate.

Assign Group – Certificate Processing Team

Priority – 1

Deliver Certificate – This task will be created automatically when the certificate is processed.

The task will be assigned to the staff responsible for delivering the certificate to the student.

Assign Group – Certificate Delivery Team

Priority – 1

Update Requester – This task will be created automatically when the certificate is delivered.

The task will notify the requester of the certificate's availability for pickup or delivery.

Assign Group – Department Head

Priority – 3

State and Stage:

When Request is submitted:

State: Pending

Stage: Waiting for Approval 1

When Department Head approves the request:

State: Pending

Stage: Waiting for Approval 2

When Registrar approves the request:

State: In Progress

Stage: Certificate Processing

When certificate is processed and ready for delivery:

State: In Progress

Stage: Certificate Delivery

When certificate is delivered:

State: Completed

Stage: Completed

Note: This is just an example workflow and can be customized as per specific business requirements.

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